• *Tuition rates subject to change

    Cardinal's Nest Preschool

    Cardinal’s Nest Preschool

    Thank you for your interest in Davison's Cardinal's Nest Preschool Programming. Starting March 1st, you will be able to pre-register your child(ren) for the up and coming school year. There are three steps you must complete in order to reserve your child(ren)'s enrollment on the roster for the upcoming school year. 

    Step 1 PRE-REGISTER: Create your family’s DCER account at https://dcer.recdesk.com/Community/Home being sure to add ALL household members. Once created, return to the home page and click the memberships button. Scroll through all of the options and locate the corresponding preschool membership according to the age and daily schedule choice for your soon to be preschooler. Click the green “enroll” button. Follow the prompts. At that time, a $50 non-refundable fee must be paid to ensure a spot on the roster. A receipt will be emailed to the address you have on file with your newly created DCER account for your records

    Step 2 ENROLLMENT PACKET: After you pre-register, an enrollment packet must be filled out in its entirety and submitted to our office, along with a few required Child Care Licensing documents. You can obtain these forms one of two ways: 

    1) You can print the instructions and paperwork from the following link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hXBgDB8B5ZrUcS3hJeEVnGsTPqwdT0ul/view?usp=drive_link or

     2) If you do not have access to a printer, you can also pick up a Cardinal's Nest Enrollment Packet between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm from our office or the small labeled bin located under the awning for after hours. Please take one packet per child. The packet will have instructions on the documents that need to be filled out, what types of documentation you will need to copy and return, as well as the eligibility and prioritization guidelines. Once completed, you will return the packet to the Cardinal's Nest office between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. DO NOT RETURN THEM TO THE BIN OUTSIDE UNDER THE AWNING If needed we can make copies for you. At this time, we will discuss with you if any more documentation is needed and a Session payment calendar will be provided.

    Step 3 SESSION PAYMENTS: Session payments can be made by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover at https://dcer.recdesk.com/Community/Home through your DCER account that was set up during your pre-registration process. Click the preschool tab and choose the corresponding “register now” button according to the age and schedule option of your preschooler and follow the prompts. Session 1’s tuition deadline will be August 1st and sessions 2-10 will be the Tuesday before each new session (see calendar in the quick links on the right hand side). Please make your tuition session payments prior to each deadline date. Unfortunately, due to software limitations, we are unable to add late registrations or make any corrections once a session starts.

    If you ever have any questions during these steps, feel free to reach out to our office. We will gladly assist you.

    Thank you and we look forward to meeting all of you!  

    Davison Cardinal's Nest Staff 


  • 810-591-0821

    6 a.m. - 6 p.m.

    Lindsey Tate, Director

    Please contact Lindsey for more information about Cardinal's Nest programming at ltate@davisonschools.org